Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Just Breathe.

Life is hard.

Life is really really hard.

If you have kids, you know this. If you don't have kids, you know this. But if you don't have kids, imagine life and how hard it is and multiply it by how many children you have. Each little soul is another whole person with more little person problems and stresses. Each little soul depends on you. Looks to you. Every day.
You have the possibility to make or break this little life.
Thankfully by the GRACE OF GOD, He does intervene where we fail. 
But still. 

This is Jael Capri.

She has eczema.

Just like her brother.
Just like her daddy.
Just like me.

Ah, life.

We can't let our imperfections dictate our lives.

I hope and I pray that the roughness on her cheeks is as bad as it gets for her, and will heal quickly. I pray it does not get worse. I pray it does not get infected. Thankfully she is older than Makai was when it started for him. She is just about 4 months old, which is the age Makai was when he was hospitalized.  I am not worried, I am just sighing at life. 
It doesn't like to give us a break does it?

But that's the thing I have found. Life is hardest when you are seeking "breaks." 
oh well. 

I can be thankful that Makai is doing so well lately. 
It has been amazing. His skin is like butter some days...
It has opened my eyes to the realities of eating healthy and taking care of our bodies.
I am thankful.

Jael is beautiful. 
Happy as a little clam.
I love her.
I can't get enough of her.

Our little family is glorious. 
Not perfect. But so happy.

I am and have been eating gluten free, dairy free, soy free, egg free, peanut free -- I think this is why her skin has not been as bad as Makai's. 
I am also healthier, I've learned that these things make my own body feel better. I would never have done that for myself, but doing it for them is worth it. And now I know it is better for me too.

I know that in all things, God is good. I know that in all ways, God is good. And there is nothing that could ever change that. Or ever will.